The Marvel Award Ceremony – 10MinMarvel S3E61
With the Oscars happening just over a week ago, we thought it would be fun to look back at the Marvel Cinematic Universe and see which movies, Disney+ shows, characters, and moments would make up our own awards. So we both created a list for the following categories:
- Leading Man and Lady
- Supporting Man and Lady
- Best Sidekick (no powers)
- Villian or Hero Entrance
- Love Story
- Fight Scene
- Best and Worst Script
- Display of Powers
- One Liner
- Villainous Plot
Plus we have some news and rumors. In particular some rumors theorizing what might happen at SDCC and Hall H when Marvel has their panel.
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Comments or Questions: What Are Your Favorite Marvel Moments?
Let us know who you’d fill into each category? There are some good options out there for a lot of these Marvel categories. We’ve really had a lot of great MCU movies and shows over the history of the whole MCU. So which are some of your favorites?
You can let us know all of those things down in the comment section below, or tweet them to me @TheScando or by using #10MinMarvel. And there is now the 10 Minute Marvel Facebook page, as well, where you can join in the conversation here. And follow us on YouTube for more content here.
Thank you again for listening, and we’ll see you next time.
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