Why should I read your story? You need to provide some basic elements well, but not all series do that or what they should.
What are some of the pitfalls that a writer can come into when creating a character? And how do you avoid them?
But the question is, should we love trilogies. It’s really easy to think of a lot of them that at least started out as trilogies.
I’ve recently been listening to a lot of LitRPG and you’ve seen me talk about it with Sufficiently Advanced Magic, Ascend Online, and Towers of
This is something that has come up recently for me, the idea of overwriting in a book. It’s probably been noticeable because I’ve been reading
Urban Fantasy, what is it? And how do you create good urban fantasy? I’ve mentioned Urban Fantasy before in some articles, but I wanted to
First, let me say that I’m not knocking a Series of Unfortunate Events, I actually enjoyed that series when I read it in high school.
I’ve recently started the fantasy series, The Demon Cycle, I won’t be commenting completely on this series because I’m not done with the first book
When I was writing about fantasy last, see the Not Your Normal Fantasy article, I touched on a concept that I really didn’t have time
We all know fantasy pretty well, at least I’m assuming that we do. We’ve seen and/or read Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. We