So, you have a board game that is ready for crowdfunding, and you came across my content. Good news, I do crowdfunding previews. Previews are done in two parts, firstly is the preview and secondly is the initial impressions. Let’s talk about what you can expect if you want me to do a preview.


The preview is going to focus on the game, what the game is about, what the mechanics are like, price point, when the crowdfunding launching and on what site. Plus any other important details about the game that people might find interesting. This is going to be the main focus as I am going to let people know what your game is going to be about.

Initial Impressions

The Initial Impressions are going to be a smaller part of the post. It is going to focus more on who I think the game will work well for. What I thought of my play experience, in the limited context it will be, and highlights and what I hope improves.

Crowdfunding Previews Requests

If you are interested in me doing a preview for your upcoming campaign, you can reach out to me via e-mail. When you e-mail, please include contact information, pitch for the game, timeline of when you are looking for the preview to be done, and how the game will be provided for preview, prototype or digital.

I will respond to all inquiries, however, I may decline to preview a game. Any game that I preview will be a game that I am interested in, in some way, and that has content that I would put up on the site. Any game that is graphically violent, sexually explicit, or does not encourage the hobby of board gaming to grow and be inclusive of all, will be rejected and not previewed.


This will depend on the type and amount of content that you want produced. Generally what I’ve been talking about will be a single article with preview and initial impressions. However, that can be turned into two articles, or video(s) depending on how much content you want and what type of content you are looking for.

Much like different subject matters, I may decline based off of what sort of content you want created. This would generally be, if I am interested in the game, because of timing reasons. I will be up front with what I can complete. If things change, I will be transparent as to the reason why and work with you to adjust accordingly.


This is still to be determined. Right now with limited crowdfunding previews, I am more flexible. However, I will be maintaining a calendar for previews and that will be done on a first come, first scheduled basis for when chunks of time to blocked off to do a preview.

Generally, I would need access to a prototype at least two weeks before content is expected to be put out if it is a physical prototype. And for digital, as soon as possible so I can have as much time as possible to explore the game.


Unlike my Back or Brick articles, even in my initial impressions section, I will not be specifying if I will back the game or not. I am doing a preview of the game not a paid endorsement of backing a game. So for those looking for coverage, know that I will be giving some impressions, but if a review is requested as part of the coverage, or a full initial impressions video, I will not guarantee a favorable opinion for obvious ethical reasons and my own honesty and integrity.

For readers, again, I will not tell you how to spend your own money. And when I do an impression, consider it thoughts on the game and my taste in games. Also, any paid preview will be specified as a paid preview. Any unpaid preview will be specified as that. If content does not specify that it is a preview, then it was done separately from the publisher or designer.

Any additional questions, please contact me via e-mail.
Message me directly on Twitter at @TheScando
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