We’re back to exploring in The 7th Citadel. Join with me as I travel across the lands to Kel and see what adventure awaits.
Join me on Malts and Meeples as I play a new roll and write game to me, Mind Space from All Play. Is this a good roll and write game?
It’s time for a stealth mission in Rogue Angels. Join me as I get started on that and things get noisy over Malts and Meeples YouTube.
We’ve completed the first mission and the team is coming together. What choices will we have to make this time on Rogue Angels?
It’s time to start our first campaign of 2024. Join me as I play Rogue Angels from Sun Tzu Games and see where the adventure leads.
What nerdy goals do I have in 2024? I put together a solid list of attainable ones that I want to strive towards beyond board gaming.
What did my board gaming look like in 2023? I take a look back at the games I played and which ones I played most.
What games and gaming experiences have been some of the most memorable for me? I come up with three standouts.
What are the themes that I love for a board game? There are some that I’ll always at least stop and look at. And which are those for you?
Join me over on Malts and Meeples for a roll and write campaign game. I start playing through My City Roll and Build on this Mondays stream.