What Board Games make it into 90 through 81 of my Top 100 Games (of all time) 2024 Edition. Join and find out.
It’s catch-up time on Rogue Angels. Somehow I forgot to share mission 5, so you get Mission 5 & 6 today of my play through.
Join me for Mission 4 of Rogue Angels on Malts and Meeples YouTube. And let’s dive into the legacy elements of this game.
What games and gaming experiences have been some of the most memorable for me? I come up with three standouts.
Join me over on Malts and Meeples for my Top 100 Games (of all time) 2023 Edition. In 100 through 91, what games are new that made the list?
Which games make your demo list for Gen Con 2023? I have my list of 10 that I’d love to demo, plus a bonus two honorable mention.
Join me over on Malts and Meeples for a roll and write campaign game. I start playing through My City Roll and Build on this Mondays stream.
It’s time to unbox Frosthaven on Malts and Meeples YouTube. Plus I got some bling for it with 3D terrain to look at as well.
Can you survive and grow your society in Stonesaga a new legacy board game from OOMM Games? Is it a Back or a Brick?
What board games are on your wishlist? I go through my Top 20 I have saved to Board Game Geek to see which ones I really want.