Top 10 Games to Demo at Gen Con 2022
I did a big video list going through of everything that is going to be at Gen Con to demo. You can watch that here. There are a lot of them to go through, but I went with a smaller list, 45, that I was interested in. But which ones are going to make my Top 10 list for games to demo? That’s what I’ve been struggling with, and tomorrow’s article will be Top 10 Games to Buy at Gen Con 2022.
Top 10 Games to Demo at Gen Con 2022
10. 3000 Scoundrels
I love a weird west themed game and this one seems like it does that in an interesting way. Plus, cards or sleeves that allow you to upgraded character, or get scoundrels, I believe with different powers, this is going to be an interesting game. And then add the aesthetic on the box and the cards, this one I am very curious about. I hope that with kind of that in your face wild west that it isn’t too much take that.
9. Steam Up: A Feast of Dim Sum
Steam Up is a game that I almost backed on Kickstarter. But I want to mess around with this one because it looks amazing with steam baskets for your ingredients. It is one of those games that will get noticed for it’s toy factor. It doesn’t look like too heavy a game mainly focused on set collection, but I’m fine with that. If it is one that can easily make it to the table, it’ll be one that I checkout when it comes, if it comes to retail.
8. Starship Captains
I really don’t know a ton about this game other than the artwork is very Star Trek like. I enjoy Star Trek, so I am curious about this, plus there is something about the artwork that looks cartoony in a good way, like it should give a laugh for two. The game itself looks like a deck or engine building game with drafting, so two things that I enjoy and will want to checkout.
7. Perseverance: Castaway Chronicles – Episode 1 and 2
Another game that was on Kickstarter, the Perseverance: Castaway Chronicles is a game with dinosaurs. I don’t even love Jurassic Park that much, which is where a lot of people my age got their love of dinos, but I just enjoy that as a theme. First episode you build out a foot hold on the island where you end up, or location. Second one you are trying to defend it against a dinosaur onslaught. It’s from Mindclash Games so I expect it to be heavier, but I really want to try this one as I like the theme and look.
6. Mosaic
Mosaic is one that is getting talked about a fair amount. It is going to be a civilization building game, a genre of game that I don’t often play. But one with card drafting and it just looks neat. However, while it is one that I really want to demo and see what it’s like, I suspect it’ll be a harder one to get to the table, so might only be a demo.
5. Heroes of Barcadia
An RPG game where you life is what is left in your drink. I really like the gimmick of this game, much like the dungeon crawl with quarters. It takes something that I like and gives it a weird twist. I don’t know how you’ll demo this one at Gen Con, but It’s one that I want to see and mess around with because I could see this just being a goofy good time.
4. Fit to Print
The animal theme on this is a bit odd, but Fit to Print looks very fun and interesting. You are trying to create the perfect front page for a news paper. It is a drafting, tile laying and real time. I don’t love the idea of real time, except that it doesn’t appear to be only real time. You draft tiles and then print as fast as you can until you think that you’re ready, or you can draft from tiles and go slower in a more relaxing version. Really both sound like they could be fun.
3. Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar
I’ve talked about this one before as well when it was on Kickstarter. I passed on it then, and I really don’t want to demo it too much or see too much. But I doubt they will show too much. I don’t want to because it is a legacy game. But seeing the pieces, that seems interesting, they appear, though, to be doing their events through paid demos, since they knew it would be popular. And I believe those are all full.
2. First in Flight
Speaking of Kickstarter, First in Flight was on there just recently. First in Flight is going to be a deck building or engine building game. You are building up your airplane and building up a deck that allows you to fly the furthest. Now, things won’t always work out as planned. But I love the artwork on this game, I love the historical aspect of this game. Overall, I think, while it doesn’t look too heavy, it might be a theme and game style that really works for my group.
1. Clank! Catacombs
Finally we have Clank! Catacombs. I really love Clank! In! Space! and Clank! is a game I need to play more. Plus, I want to start a game of Clank! Legacy. So a new version of Clank! I am interested. Do I need all the versions of Clank!, probably not, but I might want them. Plus catacombs does something different as you build out your map through the game. I don’t need anything to breath new life into Clank! for me, but this sounds like a fun twist.
What Do You Want to Demo?
Let me know what you are looking forward to demoing. Like I said, I have 45 games that are just available for demo at Gen Con 2022 that I’m interested in. But I really do think a lot of these games will be ones I am very interested in. There are a few bigger games on the list, Perseverance: Castaway Chronicles or Mosaic, that might be fun to demo but not for me to buy.
But let me know your top few, and if you want someone to demo them with, let me know as I’m up for trying most any games.
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