Gen Con 2024 Recap
It’s been two days now since the end of Gen Con 2024. And thus far I’ve avoided con crud. But I know of people who didn’t. So hopefully if you were at Gen Con you have managed to avoid any sickness thus far. But that’s not what Gen Con is really about, it’s about a lot of gaming, a lot of people, and a lot of fun. So let’s talk about that and some of the highlights for Gen Con that I had. A lot of these topics I’ll dive into more later.
Gen Con Felt Smaller
So, for a gen con where everything had sold out completely, Gen Con felt smaller. This could be several reasons for it. I heard of a few people who couldn’t make it because of getting sick ahead of time. But that is a minor percentage of people. I think the reason it felt smaller is that there were fewer choke points.
Last year was the year of Lorcana. And I expect that nothing will match that, at least for a long time. But that meant that there were no extremely long lines. A lot of people went for a lot of different things. So while some aisles at the start of every day had lines, it wasn’t as consistent. And, for example, I stood in line for Devir’s room to get a game (watch the Gen Con Haul video coming up), but that was from 7:30 until 8.
Demoing Prototypes
This is one element of Gen Con that I love every time that I go. I like to try and learn about new games or games that aren’t even out yet. And I got to play three new games that are either coming to retail or crowdfunding. You can pre-order Mistborn from Brotherwise Games on sites like Game Nerdz already. And then the two for crowdfunding we have Defenders of the Dictionary coming to Kickstarter and Stardriven: Gateway on Gamefound which you can find here. I will write more up on all of these later.
Seeing People Again
This year I didn’t meet up with as many people, but the Man vs Meeple event was as fun as ever. But it is great to always see people who I know there. And to meet new people. And to play games with new people and just experience the con that way. Plus it’s always fun to learn a new game and teach a new game while at an event like that. Plus with prizes (again haul video coming up for more details), food, and being off your feet it’s a good time. I got to play Rebel Princess twice and Comic Hunters two games that are now ones that I like a lot.
Going with Friends
So, the past two years I’ve gone to Gen Con by myself. It has been great because I just kind of wander and do my own thing. But this year, going with friends reminded me that it can be nice to do that as well. Going with friends didn’t mean that I wandered and did my own thing that much less. It meant that I didn’t do a car drive by myself. And it meant that I got to meet up with people a bit more. And I got to chat about the day and what people were excited about each evening.
Going in a group made the drive a lot faster. Conversations were had and better friendships were formed. Plus I love hearing people get excited about on a day. What new thing they found or bought. What they want to check out the next day, all of that is great.
Final Thoughts
Now there are more highlights than that. I need to try and think about Saturday and mark down my game plays that day. Because I failed, again to track everything. But I know of a few games that I need to mark down plays for. Including one of the prototypes that I played, actually, I think two of them that day.
Did you go to Gen Con? If so, what were some of your highlights. If not, what do you want to know about from this convention?
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