The Marvel 2024 Awards – 10MinMarvel S3E103
We’re doing a fun topic this week. Last year we did an awards show for all of Marvel. So from the very beginning all the way through What If Season 2 at that point. This year that plan is a little bit more focused, because, well, we’ve done them all. So it’s for 2024 and going forward, we plan on doing award shows at the start of each year. Let’s see what the categories are.
- Best Hero
- Best Villain
- Best Episode
- Best Fight
- Best Supporting Character
- Best Non-Powered Charaacter
- Best Writing
- Best Overall
Plus we of course have our news and rumors to talk about. From what the release schedule of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is, possible recasting of T’Challa, Strange Academy being set-up in Ironheart and more.
Catch up on Videos
A New T’Challa in Black Panther 3?
Rumored Plot of Nova
Szerdy Comic Covers
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Comments or Questions: What Is Your Top Show/Movie from 2024 For Marvel?
How did we do on our awards? Did we miss any obvious ones that we should have put in?
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