Manga/Anime Review

Dan Da Dan Anime First Impressions

A new anime season is upon us. And one of the shows that I’m trying to keep up with on a weekly basis is Dan Da Dan. The manga is one that I’m really enjoying and am trying to keep up with the English translation on. So when it was announced that we were going to be getting a Dan Da Dan anime, I knew it would be one that I watched as well. But is it worth the time to watch it or kind of a miss, at least early on?

What’s the Plot of Dan Da Dan?

Well, the basis of what kicks off the story is there is a boy who believe in aliens. And a girl who believes in ghosts and spirits. The match made in heaven, right? Nope, both of them think that the other is crazy and decide that the other should go to a spot, alone at night, where these events are rumored to have occurred.

That’s the basics of the plot. You likely can guess what happens next for both of them. But that’s the fun of the story to see how that unfolds so I won’t go further into what happens.

The Anime Adaptation

So let’s start out by digging into if this is a good adaptation. I think that the visuals are some of the more enjoyable that I’ve seen in an anime in a while. It leans into elements that make sense to create a stark contrast around. So it is more than just your standard animation which I’m really enjoying. The aesthetic element works as well to demonstrate the plot elements of the story.

And I am watching the dub of it. Cruchyroll seems to be keeping up with it well, so I plan to keep going that way. But the dub works as well. The main two characters are really the voices you’ve heard through two episodes. And I think that they did a solid job finding voice talent for it. The plot and story aren’t going to give them the most room to stretch their voice acting chops, but it’s good voice acting.

Compared to the Manga

But let’s dive in a little bit further. How does it compare to the manga? Is it a faithful adaptation of what happens in the manga?

I think to both of those questions I can say yes thus far. The story for Dan Da Dan’s anime is very much what I remember from the manga. And they are sticking very true to it which I appreciate. There is some room to deviate from it, but not that much in terms of what the story is doing.

And I think because they went for unique visuals that element feels like the manga as well. I’m not sure that the manga as massively changes the tone, at least in the visual sense. But there is almost always a shift that happens. So I think the anime is faithful to what as well.

Should You Watch Dan Da Dan?

I haven’t talked much about the tone of the show. I like the supernatural elements of the story and I think that brings some of the fun. But it is more than just that in Dan Da Dan. There is an enjoyable story, good humor, and you do care about the characters.

That is what I want to see continued in the anime. The groundwork has been laid for it. And they are being very faithful to the manga in the anime. So if they keep it up, it is going to be a fun show. Is it going to be the best anime of all time, certainly not. Is it going to be a bad anime, certainly not. But it has the potential to be a really fun show with really fun characters that is worth most people checking out. And I think that Dan Da Dan thus far has done a good job of not feeling just like another anime.

Are you watching Dan Da Dan?

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