Star Wars Unlimited
Table Top TCG

Star Wars Unlimited – Twin Suns

I am still definitely loving Star Wars Unlimited. The game has hit my table and been one that I find that I just love to play. The speed of the game, the strategy for the turns, but the simplicity of the turns as well. It all makes Star Wars Unlimited my favorite, I dare say, trading card game (TCG). I think for me it beats out Magic the Gathering. The one spot it might not is I love commander. So Twin Suns, to me, seems like Star Wars Unlimited commander. I signed up for a Twin Suns event at Gen Con, so time to build a deck.

What To Know About Star Wars Unlimited Twin Suns

Let’s talk about what is different tin this version of the game versus how a regular deck works. There are two main differences in the game. The second one, in particular makes it more like Commander. So deck building itself is going to be different.

The first difference is that instead of one leader you play with two leaders. You can see me debate who to set as my leaders at the beginning. It is possible to grab leaders of the same color or aspect, but that is going to limit your deck building. Sometimes, and I think as more sets are added, it might be valuable to do. But with that leader you then will be able to add in a base and get to a third color that you don’t need to pay extra for.

The commander like element is that you need a larger deck of cards, minimum fifty cards. And the cards, you can’t have duplicates. So only a single copy of a card. I need to tweak my deck to improve which cards I have in there, but it changes up deck building strategy. It is more random, so how can you counter the randomness to some extent is the question.

What It Feels Like It’s Missing

This format, I think, is going to be one of my favorites. It’s going to remind me of commander, but I don’t know, after now making two decks, that I feel it is there yet. I want to touch on what I feel like is missing. Because I think some people will jump into this format because they play commander. And then realize that some elements feel lacking in the game. And I think most of them are because it’s the first set.

Firstly, card draw or searching for cards is limited. I think I left one card in like that. I maybe should put in a tiny bit more. But when you only play with a single copy of a card, you might need or want to find it. You should build your deck to handle that you don’t come across it, but it’s harder than Magic the Gathering, because Star Wars Unlimited is so limited right now in it’s card base, to pull of combos. So I think for some they will miss that, even I miss that.

But to continue with combos, I think that the game is light on leaders. I don’t want more in the base set, I just want the second set which is coming soon. I put together a deck where Leia is the main one I care about as a leader. Han is fine, he provides some utility, but I want to look at see if Chewie might be better. Neither of them synergize that well with Leia though. So right now, it is tricky to build up really good synergy between leaders. As more come out, I know that will change, or I’m confident it will is a more correct statement.

Final Thoughts

Before I sign off on this format and give my full opinion, I need to play it. I think that there are elements that I like, and elements that will become better. Right now, I think it is going to be a bit more lucky. And I want to remember that as I play. My cost curve is probably slightly lower because of that. But I expect it to be fun to play this at Gen Con.

Have you played the Twins Suns format of Star Wars Unlimited? Do you like that format better than constructed decks or not? Or what is your favorite format?

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