Top 100 Games (of all time) 2024 Edition – 90 through 81
It’s time for the next group of games. After a false start on the stream, accidentally double muted the microphone, I have it ready. So let’s talk about the board games that made it into 90 through 81 of my Top 100 Games (of all time) 2024 Edition.
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Top 100 Games (of all time) 2024 Edition – 90 through 81
90. Project: ELITE
- Published by CMON in 2020
- Real Time Scenario Based Tower Defense
Normally this wouldn’t be my type of game. I love parts of it, like chucking dice, scenario driven play, and cooperative game play. But I don’t like real time. This balances that out by giving you real time in bursts and then a moment to strategize before the next wave of enemies comes out. That is real time game play that works for me.
Not Currently Available
89. Lands of Galzyr
- Published by Snowdale Design in 2022
- Relaxing story driven cooperative or competitive game
Lands of Galzyr is a game that feels like that kind of random D&D session. You stumble across missions but each mission is it’s own thing. And the whole thing is done in a package that puts story first and keeps the game play simple. And it’s a relaxing game to play. Not that some stories aren’t exciting or risky, but it never truly feels high stakes.
88. Kohaku
- Published by 25th Century Games in 2020
- Build the best and highest scoring Koi pond
I really enjoy Kohaku for the simplicity and thoughtfulness of the game play. It’s a game where you need to plan out where you place tiles to optimize your scoring. But it’s not overwhelming. And the elements like drafting both a koi and a scoring tile each turn and how that works is really enjoyable.
87. My City
- Published by Kosmos in 2020
- A fast, ever building legacy game
My City is one of those legacy games that is just simple and fun to play. Sometimes they get bogged down in trying to be too big, but not My City. The game is focused on adding a little bit each time and giving you a fun fast session as everyone builds out their city in hopes that it’s the best one at the end of each scenario.
86. The Isofarian Guard

- Published by Skykingdom Games in 2023
- A massive solo and two player story driven adventure
This is one that you can checkout a game play of on Malts and Meeples. I really enjoy this game, though it is a massive table hog. The game is an interesting story telling game that has some tropes, but quickly branches off into magic powers and interesting story. It’s one that I think works well solo but I’d prefer to play two player to keep the combat simpler and share that great story experience.
85. Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade
- Published by WizKids in 2020
- It’s Roll and Write Pinball, can you get the new high score?
Super-Skill Pinball is truly a pinball roll and write game. I love how it simulates the game with the ball movement and how it launches up, can ping around in the bumpers or drop back down. It’s a great game for solo play and it’s fun with others, though it’s possible that one player will finish before the others. That’s the only downside to the game, but with all of the tables i never feel like I’m lacking in something to keep it being played solo.
84. Crokinole
- Created in 1876
- A competitive flicking classic
There’s no publisher for Crokinole, the game is public domain, but there are a lot of great spots to get boards and get spendy or fancy boards. I really like the simplicity of the flicking game. It works really well and smoothly and it’s one that you can definitely get really good at. I wish I had more time to get this one to the table, though, I could say that about all of them.
83. Clever Cubed
- Published by Schmidt Spiele in 2020
- Another combotastic roll and write game from the Clever line
I really enjoy Clever Cubed because while some of the others have combos, Clever Cubed is the one that has even more combos. And while sometimes I really like a good straightforward roll and write game, I also love the ones that give me a ton of combos. No doubt that this the latter, and the core game loop of how you pick and eliminate dice on your turn is always good.
82. Furnace
- Published by Hobby World in 2020
- Bid on cards and build up the best industrial engine you can
This is a great and simple engine building game. Everything works smoothly with gathering resources and turning them into points. But there is also a really fun auction as well. I love how it’s a single bid per person per card but if you lose the big, you get a benefit for bidding there. And how the benefits scale based off of the number you bid with is amazing.
81. Yggdrasil Chronicles
- Published by Ludonaute in 2019
- Defend the world tree from all the threats that abound
This is a really tough cooperative game and one that I really enjoy. I think it’s a fun push your luck as you try to power up while hoping that you can keep the enemies in check. Of course, there are so many enemies and they ramp quickly that it can be very challenging. Plus how the enemies activate or how it’s determined which ones do is really clever and fun.
Final Thoughts on Top 100 Games (of all time) 2024 Edition 90 through 81
What do you think of the list, is there a game that you want to try or that you love on it? I feel like I got a really big variety on the list this time. There are some lighter games, but then you have a game with a ton of minis like Project: ELITE and a big campaign game in The Isofarian Guard. The only thing I think is missing is a true party game from this section.
Just a reminder, join me next week on Malts and Meeples for the next 10 on the list. The plan is to go live around 9 PM Central time and it’ll be 80 through 71. The best way to know when I go live is subscribe and click that notification bell. That’ll let you know for sure when it’ll be happening.
What is your favorite game from the list and what is one that you want to try?
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