2025 – Nerds-Year Resolutions
I do this every year, and I don’t really go back to look see how well I do at them. I should do that. So we’re going to kick off this years resolutions with looking back at 2024’s. I do think I probably did some of them, but how well I did, we’ll have to see. And what will the resolutions be for 2025, because I have a few ideas, but like often, I come up with ideas as I write, so I’m sure some new ones will get added that I didn’t even expect. So join me on this journey, what are your nerdy resolutions?
What Were 2024’s Resolutions?
I just did Board Game ones which you can read here.
Play Unplayed Games – I did okay with this one. I played quite a number of new to me games last year. I played 81 new games, so that did put a dent into my unplayed games. However, that is also going to include games from Gen Con that I played. And there are certainly games that I added throughout the year as well. So we’ll call this one a wash, I did some but I could and can do more. And I did say that my target for unplayed games was 75 to play, so I hit that number.
Buy Trading Cards/Games with Store Credit – I won’t lie, both of these fell off fairly quickly. Now, not completely. I do feel like I purchased fewer games overall without store credit. But there are certainly a number that I did purchase. Also trading cards, not so much. But I managed a couple of good sales of games through trading them in or through a board game sale.
2025 Nerds-Year Resolutions
So let’s talk about this upcoming year. What resolutions do I have, or goals am I trying to set for myself when it comes to nerdy things. Let’s be clear, it’s mainly going to be around board games, but I want to give myself some different challenges than previous years.
Prototype Game Idea/Work On Other Idea
I have two game ideas that I want to continue to work on. Both of these are of course board games. I have stuff to prototype one of them. i just need to get to it and get some prototypes into the wild and get people playtesting them. Because I would love to get a board game created at some point in time. Even if it’s just something that I use Game Crafter for, great resource by the way, and have fun with. Plus I have a bigger idea that I want to keep working on, it’s going to be a big passion project if it ever get completed, but I want to try.
Learn A New Game Per Week
Thanks to Board Game Arena this should be pretty easy for me to do. But I want to learn and play a new game on there, or in person, per week. Now, this is going to be different than last years goal. Last years goal was simply to play new games. With this I want to be intentional about learning something new. This is the first full week so a great time to start this one.
Watch Seven New Anime
I think this is setting the goal low for me. But I want to watch more new anime. I am pretty sure that I crushed that resolution this past year. But I want to keep it up. Especially since I know that I will have a lot anime returning in 2025 that I want to watch. So if I want to get to this goal of seven, I need make sure that I make time to watch new stuff as well.
Read 100 Marvel Comic Issues
This one is probably going to low again. But I know myself. I go in runs with this, and I want to be very intentional about it. I want to read more comics this year. That said, I am off to a solid start by reading a bunch of Ultimate Spider-Man comics by Brian Michael Bendis. So I want to keep on building on that.
And a sub resolution to this one. I want to put out comic book content videos on 10 Minute Marvel. Basically, with this reading, I want to use it to help grow that channel and see that continued growth be around news, rumors, comics, and more, but the additional content being around what is in different books, and what is worth checking out or themes and stories worth checking out.
Four Videos a Week on 10 Minute Marvel and Four on Malts and Meeples
So this is changing up the numbers slightly from what they were last year. I ended doing three on Malts and Meeples and five on 10 Minute Marvel. I still want to do five on 10 Minute Marvel. But that might be for the channel and if my co-host does one per week, fingers crossed that habit gets started, that can mean I do four. But also, I want to start doing more not live content on Malts and Meeples. I love my live game plays and that schedule will stay the same, but one uploaded video per week is my goal beyond the live stuff.
How About You?
What are your resolutions around nerdy things for 2025? Let me know in the comments section below.
I definitely set a few more harder/more challenging goals this year. In particular around videos, but I hope that I can hit some of them and at least start off strong with them. Because I want to keep this website growing and the YouTube channels as well.
I did drop off some this year around Gen Con because my goal is just to go, play games and have fun. And that’s going to be my goal for a long time. We’ll see if I make it any other cons, but I don’t want to assume or overextend myself with them.
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