Review Table Top

Zenith Review – BGA Week 2

I’ve kept on going with my goal of learning a new game each week. And last weeks game was Zenith from PlayPunk. This game isn’t even out in print yet, but it’s on BGA, so as players, sometimes you get a chance to try a new game before it’s even out. So what does that look like, then, as a game, and what is this one all about? It’s a two player lane battling game where you are trying to win enough influence over the planets, but there is more than that to it. Let’s look at how to play Zenith.

How to Play Zenith

Zenith is a two player head to head card game. You are competing for favor on different planets. But it’s not just about pulling that favor to your side of the track and getting a reward and token for it. There is more going on in the game as well.

The game can end in one of three ways. Either one player has three favor from a single planet. Or a player has four favor all from different planets. And the last way is that a player has five favor. So how do you get get favor?

You play from your hand of cards to get favor, or at least to move the planet token towards you on the track. When the token makes it all the way to you, you gain a favor token and the track resets. Let’s talk some about how the cards work.


Each card can be used for three different things. The main thing is playing out underneath a planet. You play it to the matching color planet on your side and then you activate the abilities. One is always going to move it closer to you. The other abilities will trigger to give you different benefits. These generally are gaining the resources in the game, which we’ll talk about soon.

The other two ways to use cards are based off of faction of the card. You can spend a card to gain the leader token and gain a bonus. This is a “free” action in that it uses your action for the turn, but it doesn’t cost any money or other resources. The other thing you can do is spend a card to go up on the research track. This generally manipulates the main board state or gains you more resources. But you need the rarer resource to play that.


Generally, you get resources from two different ways. Either from that research track or from playing out cards to the planets. There are two different types of resources. Zenethium is the rarer one, and one that I hope I have spelled correctly. This is for the research track. Each level of that track, for each faction, costs one more. So first level is one, then two and so on.

The other one is a more standard money or credits. These are used for playing out the cards to a planet. But as you play out cards to planet you start to get a discount. Each card on that planet discounts the next card to that planet by one. So cards, eventually, or possibly, can be free to play out.

This playing of a card and spending resources is the main loop of the game. And it continues with players doing one action at a time until a win condition is met, like I mentioned above. No counting points, or anything like that, when someone wins, they win.

What Doesn’t Work

There is an element of luck to the game. You might be going for a particular strategy and just not draw the card color that you need. If you need to get a lot of Venus cards to get your third, you better believe it will feel like they don’t show up. That said, it’s not a major negative because you can pivot and there are ways, with the leader token, to have a larger hand, or to move on the Venus (in this case) track without playing a Venus card. You just need to be smart about it, though sometimes it really is just pivot and play defense for a bit.

What Works


Firstly, and not because it’s the most important element, but because it jumps out at you, I want to talk about the artwork on this game. The art is great, the graphic design is good. And while there are a lot of symbols you learn what they are quite quickly on BGA. I think that Zenith should come with player aids in the box, if the company wasn’t planning on them, because that’d be helpful, but you wouldn’t need them after a couple of plays.

Multiuse Cards

I also really like how you can use the cards for multiple things. It’s always a tough decision as you look at the cards and want to use them on the planets. But you know that it won’t work out perfectly for that. And the difference in hand size of being the leader or not, just one card, actually does open up so many things. And, I didn’t mention this, if you take the leader when you already have the leader you get the bonus and flip it over so you now have two more cards. But that said the research tracks are powerful and exciting as well. So you want to do everything.

Speed of the Game

Now, this one I like for two different reasons. The first being that turns are very fast. You do one action. And yes, that action might require some thinking about it, because your opponent can mess with your cards on planets, not with your hand though, so you need to think. But with that speed of the turn, the game isn’t too short.

There is be a chance for the game to go really fast, and I’ve played some fast ones. But often times it really becomes this back and forth tug of war battle that you need to strategically look for the advantage that you can get. So it feels like you do something in the game. There is and isn’t that rush towards the end of the game that is so great. And when you win, you feel like you accomplished something.

Who Is Zenith For?

I think this is for people who want a good two player head to head game. Yes, there are a lot of abstract ones out there. But Zenith is going to give you a bit of theme, at least in the artwork. And there is less of that skill gap that can develop in some abstract games. So if you know you or someone often can play two players, this is a good fit for that.

My Final Thoughts on Zenith

I really like the game a lot. It works well on BGA, and I have played this more than a handful of times at this point. And I think I’ve won every single way. The first couple of times the games went faster as all the players were fresh to the game. But as time has gone on, it’s definitely become more of that strategic game, and I love figuring out what my hand is going to be good at.

This feels like a game that a lot of people should enjoy. The artwork is good, the theme is fun, though barely there, and it is going to give you that good strategic feel. So for me it’s one that I know I’ll want to get when it comes out into print. It’s going to be a go to two player game, maybe not up there with Dice Throne, but it’ll get played probably as often as games like Lord of the Rings Duel for Middle-Earth and Hanamikoji, which from me is really high praise.

Have you checked this one out on BGA?

My Grade: A-
Gamer Grade: A-
Casual Grade: C+

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